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Financing equity transactions
Financing equity transactions
You want to open your capital, strengthen your equity, restructure your debt, structure a bond issue ?
At the service of managers and shareholders, our advisors, in synergy with the Corporate Finance teams, are at your side to advise you in each of the strategic stages of your company's life.
Our advisors will help you achieve this goal by proposing an appropriate strategy and an optimal solution.

At the service of managers and shareholders, our advisors, in synergy with the Corporate Finance teams, are at your side to advise you in each of the strategic stages of your company's life.
Our consulting missions cover the following areas :
- Company valuations
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Privatizations
- Disposals
- Fund raising
- Initial public offering
- Bond issues
- Company mergers
- Legal and financial restructuring
Throughout these years, Tunisie Valeurs has carried out several valuation missions in the context of privatizations, IPOs, disposals, mergers and acquisitions or business combinations. Its services are also aimed at investment funds wishing to acquire or dispose of holdings.
Tunisie Valeurs offers its clients access to financing on the capital market through the issue of shares or debt securities. With its long experience, Tunisie Valeurs has carried out numerous financing operations under a wide range of market conditions.

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